A blog about community and life in Indonesia. Posting by a group of English students in Malang.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Destination Paradise, Batu
Batu has an center park. it's not really ordinary center park with trees and seat. The park has lots of great this and shining at night. you can walk down and breath freely without pollution. Make your children happy. You can also taste some of cheap and delicious food. It's clean and fresh.
Interesting things also can be found in 'SECRET ZOO'. kind of zoo where you can see and gaze each animal closely. The stunning and efficient structure of building will make you sure that no animal will be missed from your sight. You can but food even people are bustling around with cheap prize. You also can feeding the certain animals and learn about them. The place is really vast and clean, several weird but simple cafes, giving your family some cozy time to rest.
The hotel - Tree Inn - is the most special place to stay. Decorated like a tree, this place is really comfortable and - sure - cheap to pay. Nothing without trees and animals. you will feel like in natural place. Simple and like paradise.
Unique Animals of Indonesia
Destination Paradise

Destination Paradise

Bajul Mati doesn't have vast wave, but it has the biggest wave among other beach in south Malang. On the left of the beach there is Cina cave. The panorama is stunning and charming. you will not be bored gaze down at one of the God creation.
Destination Paradise

Destination Paradise ; Malang
The street so Tranquil, but in the rush our the street is packed because along Veteran Street is full of school, from Playgroup until University .
The other Place is alun-alun bunder, one of town square in Malang. It’s nice place to stroll or just sit and chat with friends.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Hi, I’m Cantya Marhendra
My name is Cantya Marhendra, but all my friends call me Chacha, Chocho or Chya. I’m an architecture student in Brawijaya Unversity in East Java, Indonesia.
Except me as an architecture student, i spend my time with write, draw, and make things . I love traveling. meet new people and do new stuff always make me excited . Lucky for me i live in Indonesia, a big country with all difference . From culture to nature. In Indonesia you can find beach and mountain all around you.
Not long ago i went to Karimun Jawa, an island near Jepara, Central Java . from Karimun Jawa i went to other small islands with small boat. Some of them is uninhabited islands, so breathtaking!
It’s just small piece of Indonesia, so you can imagine whatelse you can find in Indonesia, i hope i can go to all other beautiful place in my country . so do you !
Hello i'm AjiRizky Hakim!

A Montrealer in Malang
Montreal has many cultural and historical sites. It is a multicultural city with delicious food and interesting people. It also is home to many parks, gardens and recreation centers. Overall, it's a great place to visit (or live).
Having said all that about my home city, now I have to talk about Malang. It's very difficult to compare Malang and Montreal. There are completely different so it's not really fair to compare them to each other.
Malang feels like home now. Right now it's the rainy season, so there is a big downpour everyday. In Montreal it's autumn and getting colder and colder as winter creeps in.
The food in Malang is wonderful. It's tasy, inexpensive and fresh. There's so much to eat and drink here - so many things that I'd never even heard of (let alone taste) when I was living in Montreal.
The people in Malang are very friendly. Much friendlier than in my home city. They are quick to smile and even if you make a mistake or do something silly - they rarely get angry.
So overall, I can say that, as a Montrealer, life in Malang is very nice!
Romantic place in Indonesia

The best country


Indonesia's Food ; Bizzare yet Delicious
A lot of people eat cow and goat meat, not just in Indonesia but also around the world. But the difference is we eat every part of cow’s meat. Like lung, heart, even brain. Maybe it’s weird for foreigner but in Indonesia is so common, it’s like you can find it in every type of food. Believe or not, it’s delicious.
Gulai Kambing, goat meat in soup made of ginger, turmeric, onion, garlic and other spices. It’s easy to find it in every city in Indonesia. Meat that use in gulai kambing is from many part, usually is ribs, brisket, thighs and others. But sometimes they prepare some extra meat if you want add some of them, like eyes, lung and brain.

I'm Sumayyah - aka Maya
First Post
This blog is all about community and Indonesia. We are a group of students from Malang, Indonesia. We want to share some information about life over here and what it's like.
We hope you enjoy!